Harry Nazikian
Dip. Ed. Psych., M.A. (Clinical Psychology),
M. Psych. (Clinical Child Psychology), MAPS, MVAPP
Harry Nazikian has more than 25 years of experience in assisting and supporting adolescents and adults presenting with a broad range of issues and difficulties.
After completing a Diploma in Educational Psychology from Monash University in 1986, Harry gained a place at Melbourne University the following year to train in clinical psychology.
Harry worked in adult mental health services for 5 years upon completing his Masters degree in clinical psychology in 1989. In order to further his understanding of psychological difficulties, Harry was accepted into the Master of Psychology program in clinical child psychology offered by Melbourne University in 1995 which came with a 2 year internship at the Royal Children’s Hospital.
After obtaining his Master of Psychology degree in 1997, Harry worked as a clinical child psychologist for the Austin Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) for the next 13 years before leaving to focus on his private practice.
While working for Austin CAMHS, Harry sought further specialist training in psychoanalytic psychotherapy by gaining a training position with the Victorian Association of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists (VAPP) in 2001. Harry qualified as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist in 2008. He was accepted as a member of the VAPP in 2009.
Harry has been the consultant clinical child psychologist to the Odyssey House Victoria Child & Family Services Team since 2006.
Harry has also been approved as a supervising psychologist by the Psychology Board of Australia.
He has supervised provisional psychologists on placement since 2003, including 5 years as a supervisor for the Victoria University Psychology Clinic.